沼气作为一种新兴能源其应用越来越广泛,在我国环保标准中严格规定,利用沼气能源时,沼气气体中H2S 含量不得超过20mg/m3 。无论在工业或民用气体中, 都需要尽可能的除去H2S。沼气作为能源利用已有很长的历史。沼气中的硫主要以H2S的形式存在,也可能含有少量的硫醇等其他硫化物。H2S的浓度受发酵原料和发酵工艺的影响很大,蛋白质或硫酸盐含量高的原料,发酵沼气中硫化氢的含量较高。由于H2S腐蚀性强,通常在净化步骤的早期进行去除。沼气可用于农户炊事、照明等生活用能,也可用于农副产品的生产、加工,如沼气养蚕、沼气孵化、沼气育雏、沼气育秧、诱蛾养蚕、沼气储粮、沼气保鲜、沼气炒茶、蛋鸡增光、大棚种植、农产品干燥和烤瓷工艺品等。
As an emerging energy, biogas is more and more widely used. It is strictly stipulated in China's environmental protection standards that when using biogas energy, the H2S content in biogas gas shall not exceed 20mg / m3. No matter in industrial or civil gas, H2S needs to be removed as much as possible. Biogas has been used as energy for a long time. The sulfur in biogas mainly exists in the form of H2S, and may also contain a small amount of mercaptan and other sulfides. The concentration of H2S is greatly affected by fermentation raw materials and fermentation process. Raw materials with high protein or sulfate content have high content of hydrogen sulfide in fermented biogas. Because H2S is highly corrosive, it is usually removed in the early stage of purification step. Biogas can be used for household energy consumption such as cooking and lighting, as well as the production and processing of agricultural and sideline products, such as biogas silkworm rearing, biogas incubation, biogas brooding, biogas seedling raising, moth induction and silkworm rearing, biogas grain storage, biogas preservation, biogas tea frying, egg brightening, greenhouse planting, drying of agricultural products and porcelain crafts.

Biogas biological desulfurization is a process method of using biological bacteria to remove highly corrosive and toxic hydrogen sulfide gas in biogas. This process has the advantages of high automation, simple process and low operation cost. Biological desulfurization technology includes biological filtration, biological adsorption and biological trickle filtration. The three systems are open systems, and their microbial populations change with the change of environment. In the process of biological desulfurization, the oxidized sulfur-containing pollutants need to be removed by first generating sulfide or H2S through biological reduction, and then generating elemental sulfur through biological oxidation. After absorption and purification, biogas can be used as resources, which not only realizes energy conservation and emission reduction, but also saves the production cost of enterprises.
The above is the detailed introduction of biogas desulfurization, which I hope will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service https://www.hneee.net