In recent years, with the continuous shortage of global resource storage and the increasing pressure of environmental governance, more and more biogas purification projects have been constructed. The development and utilization of new resources in line with the current situation is the inevitable direction of energy development in the future. Why is that?
1. 根据全球环境和可持续发展政策,有必要发展可再生能源,改善能源结构。
1. According to the global environment and sustainable development policies, it is necessary to develop renewable energy and improve the energy structure.
At present, China has become the second largest energy consumer in the world. The consumption and use of fossil fuels have caused serious environmental problems such as greenhouse effect, acid rain, ozone layer damage, etc. Biogas purification promotes the innovation of energy consumption structure and application mode, and promotes the development of diversified and clean energy. As a kind of clean natural gas energy, biological natural gas has the characteristics of environmental protection and recycling, "waste" as "wealth", by-product application, mature technology and so on. It has great potential in the utilization of new energy.
2. 延伸产业链,提升企业附加值,提升企业竞争力。
2. extend the industrial chain, enhance the added value of enterprises and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

Energy companies face fierce competition. Biological natural gas purification can extend the company's product chain and increase the added value of products, which is one of the effective means to improve the competitiveness of enterprises.
3. The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
As the global warming trend is increasingly concerned by the world, greenhouse gas emission reduction is becoming more and more urgent. The development of renewable energy has become an urgent task. It is of great significance to achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction through biogas purification.