Biogas purification process
1. Biogas characteristics
Biogas is a kind of mixed gas. Its composition not only depends on the type and relative content of fermentation raw materials, but also changes with the different fermentation conditions and fermentation stages. When the biogas anaerobic reactor is in the normal stable fermentation stage, the volume composition of biogas is roughly: methane (CH4) 50% ~ 75%, carbon dioxide (CO2) 25% ~ 45%, water (H2O, 20 ~ 40 ℃) 2% ~ 7%, nitrogen (N2) 0 ~ 2%, a small amount of oxygen (O2), and less than 1% of hydrogen (H2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

沼气提纯工艺,与其它可燃气体相比,沼气具有抗爆性良好和燃烧产物清洁等特点。目前,沼气主要应用在发电、供热和炊事方面,沼气中的CO2降低了沼气的能量密度和热值,限制了沼气的利用范围,要去除沼气中的CO2、H2S 和水蒸气等将沼气提纯为生物天然气(BNG)。生物天然气可压缩用于车用燃料(CNG)、热电联产(CHP)、并入天然气管网、燃料电池以及化工原料等领域。汽车使用生物天然气不仅可以降低尾气排放造成的空气污染,而且温室气体的净排放量减少75%~200%,生物天然气可混入现有的天然气管网,降低对石化能源的依赖。
Compared with other combustible gases, biogas purification process has the characteristics of good explosion resistance and clean combustion products. At present, biogas is mainly used in power generation, heat supply and cooking. The CO2 in biogas reduces the energy density and calorific value of biogas and limits the scope of biogas utilization. It is necessary to remove CO2, H2S and water vapor in biogas and purify biogas into biological natural gas (bng). Bio natural gas can be compressed for vehicle fuel (CNG), cogeneration (CHP), integration into natural gas pipeline network, fuel cell, chemical raw materials and other fields. The use of biogas in automobiles can not only reduce the air pollution caused by exhaust emissions, but also reduce the net emission of greenhouse gases by 75% ~ 200%. Biogas can be mixed into the existing natural gas pipeline network, reducing the dependence on petrochemical energy.
2. Biogas purification technology
At present, landfill gas purification processes include pressure swing adsorption (PSA), water washing, chemical absorption, membrane separation, selective separation, etc. at present, the more mature and widely used methods in the world are pressure swing adsorption (PSA), chemical absorption (amine purification) and membrane separation.
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