1. 脱硫剂宜采用氧化铁,脱硫剂空速宜为200h-1~400h-1;
1. The desulfurizer should be iron oxide, and the space velocity of desulfurizer should be 200 H-1 ~ 400 H-1;
2 .沼气初次通过脱硫剂每米床层时的压力降应小于100Pa;
2. The pressure drop of biogas passing through the desulfurizer bed for the first time should be less than 100Pa;
3 .每层颗粒状脱硫剂装填高度宜为1.0m~1.4m;
3. The filling height of each layer of granular desulfurizer should be 1.0m ~ 1.4m;
4 .沼气通过颗粒状脱硫剂的线速度宜为0.020m/s~0.025m/s;
4. The linear velocity of biogas passing through granular desulfurizer should be 0.020m/s ~ 0.025m/s;
5 .脱硫塔的操作温度应为25℃~35℃,寒冷地区的脱硫设施应有保温或采暖措施;
5. The operating temperature of desulfurization tower should be 25 ℃ ~ 35 ℃. Thermal insulation or heating measures should be taken for desulfurization facilities in cold areas;

6 .脱硫塔底部的低处应设置排污阀;
6. Blowdown valve should be set at the bottom of desulfurization tower;
7 .每台脱硫装置应有独立的放散管;
7. Each desulfurization unit shall have an independent vent pipe;
8 .脱硫剂在塔内再生时应设置进空气管,在线再生时,宜配备在线氧监控系统。
8. When the desulfurizer is regenerated in the tower, the air inlet pipe should be set. When the desulfurizer is regenerated online, the online oxygen monitoring system should be equipped.
Thank you for reading, hope the above content can help you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: biogas desulfurization https://www.hneee.net 。