What is the construction process of biogas desulfurization and what are the steps? In fact, it mainly includes seven steps, which many people are not clear about. In this article, we will introduce step 1: Survey and lofting.
沼气的脱硫具体流程包括:测量放样---筒壁卷制--初级防腐--筒节组对---塔底组装--塔体组装- 整体防腐。
The specific process of biogas desulfurization includes: Surveying and setting out - cylinder wall rolling - primary anti-corrosion - cylinder joint assembly - tower bottom assembly - tower body assembly - overall anti-corrosion.
Introduction to the steps of Surveying and setting out:
1、选用的材料和附件要具有质量合格证明书并符合相应的国家现行规定钢板和附件上应有清晰的产品标识。查看是否符合设计要求。钢板应逐张进行外观检查其质量应符合国家现行有关钢板质量标准规定。钢板表面局部减薄量、划痕深度 与钢板实际负偏差之和不应大于相应钢板标准负偏差值。
1. The selected materials and accessories shall have quality certificate and comply with the current national regulations. The steel plate and accessories shall have clear product identification. Check whether it meets the design requirements. The appearance of steel plates shall be inspected one by one, and the quality shall comply with the current relevant national steel plate quality standards. The sum of the local surface thinning, scratch depth and the actual negative deviation of the steel plate shall not be greater than the standard negative deviation of the corresponding steel plate.

2. According to the specification, the appearance quality and size of the material shall be sampled, and the sampling inspection shall be doubled in case of non standard products. If the re inspection is unqualified, the supplier shall be informed to return the goods.
3. The selection of welding materials (welding rods) shall meet the design requirements, have quality certificate and meet the requirements of the current national quality standard carbon steel welding rod (GB / t5117).
4.钢板尺寸检查:长度和宽度允许偏差士1.5m ;对角线之差允许偏差3mm;板两边直线度允许偏差土1m。
4. Steel plate size inspection: the allowable deviation of length and width is less than 1.5m; The allowable deviation of diagonal difference is 3mm; The allowable deviation of straightness on both sides of the board is 1m.
We have introduced the desulfurization lofting detection process of biogas to you, hoping to bring you some help. If you need to know more about it, you can leave a message or call us for consultation.