The equipment that separates the dust from the flue gas is called desulfurization dust collector or dust removal equipment The function of desulfurization dust remover will be to filter out these dust. For example, in coal mines, some pulverized coal will appear during construction. For construction personnel, these dust will have a great impact on their bodies and may explode. These dust can be filtered out well through desulfurization dust remover.
The desulfurization dust remover is divided into the following five categories according to its function principle:
(1) Mechanical desulfurization dust remover includes gravity desulfurization dust remover, inertia desulfurization dust remover, centrifugal desulfurization dust remover, etc;

(2) Washing type desulfurization dust remover includes water bath desulfurization dust remover, foam desulfurization dust remover, venturi desulfurization dust remover, water film desulfurization dust remover, etc;
(3) Filter type desulfurization dust remover includes bag type desulfurization dust remover and particle layer desulfurization dust remover;
(4) Electrostatic desulfurization and dust collector;
(5) Magnetic desulfurization dust collector.
The desulfurization dust collector is divided into:
(1) Dry type desulfurization dust collector;
(2) Semi dry desulfurization dust collector;
(3) Wet desulfurization dust collector.
At present, electric bag composite desulfurization dust remover and bag type desulfurization dust remover are widely used in industry.
The above is a detailed introduction about biological desulfurization. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service https://www.hneee.net