





联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101



Reasons for biogas desulfurization: biogas contains water, which has a great impact on the utilization of biogas. The combined action of water in biogas and hydrogen sulfide can accelerate the corrosion of pipelines, valves and flow meters, and also have a corrosive effect on household appliances. In order to supply gas normally and prolong the service life of the equipment, a biogas desulfurizer must be installed in the gas transmission pipeline. Therefore, during biogas desulfurization, dehydration treatment needs to be carried out at the same time. Remove the moisture in biogas and increase the quality of biogas.
Biogas desulfurization methods: the desulfurization methods of biogas desulfurizer include wet desulfurization and dry desulfurization. Dry desulfurization has the advantages of simple process, mature and reliable, low cost and good purification effect.
沼气脱水器外部采用碳钢结构,内部防腐处理,当沼气以一定的压力从上部的进气口进入后,水滴在离心力作用下旋转与脱水器壁发生碰撞,使水滴失去动能与沼气相分离,以达到除尘和脱水的目的。而后器内的水滴沿内壁向 下 流动,而存于装置底部;并定期排除。
The outside of the biogas dehydrator adopts carbon steel structure and internal anti-corrosion treatment. When the biogas enters from the upper air inlet under a certain pressure, the water droplets rotate and collide with the dehydrator wall under the action of centrifugal force, so that the water droplets lose kinetic energy and separate from the biogas, so as to achieve the purpose of dust removal and dehydration. The water droplets in the latter flow downward along the inner wall and are stored at the bottom of the device; And eliminate it regularly.
Biogas desulfurization and dehydration process flow:
The biogas from the soft biogas digester contains a lot of harmful gases such as water gas, dust impurities and hydrogen sulfide. After preliminary dehydration and dust removal, the biogas enters the desulfurizer. The hydrogen sulfide in the biogas can be removed below 200ppm by using reasonable reaction conditions. The desulfurized biogas enters the biogas booster fan for pressurized transmission, and the pressurized biogas enters the buffer system for buffering. On the one hand, the biogas is subject to impurity removal and on the other hand, the gas supply pressure is stabilized, In order to ensure the stable operation of subsequent generator units, the buffered and stabilized biogas enters the terminal gas equipment.
Maintenance of biogas desulfurizer:
After using for a period of time, the desulfurizer in the desulfurizer will turn black, lose activity, reduce the desulfurization effect, or harden and increase the resistance of biogas transmission. In serious cases, the biogas will be blocked and cannot pass through. At this time, the desulfurizer must be regenerated.
Regeneration method: take out the deactivated desulfurizer, stack it evenly and loosely on a flat, clean, sunny and ventilated site, and often turn the desulfurizer to make it fully contact with the air for oxidation regeneration. When the moisture content in the desulfurizer is low, dilute alkali liquor can be sprayed evenly to accelerate the regeneration speed and shorten the regeneration time. Generally, it can be put into the desulfurizer for further use after about one month. Desulfurizer can be regenerated for 1 ~ 2 times.
Users can customize the overall dimension and internal structure of biogas dehydrator according to the actual gas volume and hydrogen sulfide content in gas. Different types of gases, hydrogen sulfide content in different gases and different gas pressures design desulfurization equipment with different sizes and internal structures.

相关产品 我们的存在,是为了更好的服务于沼气等可燃气体净化及利用行业