Hydrogen sulfide is an inorganic compound, colorless at room temperature, pungent smell, highly toxic gas, hydrogen sulfide is flammable dangerous goods, mixed with air can form an explosive mixture; let's understand why to remove hydrogen sulfide!
When biogas is produced, it will carry a large amount of hydrogen sulfide; hydrogen sulfide will combine with oxygen to generate sulfur dioxide after combustion; it will combine with water vapor to form sulfite, which will not only corrode the metal surface, but also pollute the atmospheric environment and affect human health. Therefore, hydrogen sulfide must be removed before biogas is used.

The removal of hydrogen sulfide by biogas refers to the removal of hydrogen sulfide in biogas before the utilization of biogas. According to the comprehensive factors of specific biogas, such as gas volume, composition, use and working site environment, the commonly used biogas desulfurization methods are divided into chemical desulfurization, physical desulfurization, biological desulfurization and so on.
化学脱硫主要分为干法脱硫和湿法脱硫两大类, 干法脱硫按原理与方法又可分为化学吸附法、化学吸收法和催化加氧法三种,其中化学吸收法是近代工业中比较常用比较有效的脱硫手段。 湿法脱硫按溶液的吸收与再生性质又分为氧化法、吸收法;
Chemical desulfurization is mainly divided into dry desulfurization and wet desulfurization. According to the principle and method, dry desulfurization can be divided into chemical adsorption method, chemical absorption method and catalytic oxygenation method. Chemical absorption method is a common and effective desulfurization method in modern industry. According to the absorption and regeneration properties of solution, wet desulfurization can be divided into oxidation method and absorption method;
In physical desulfurization, organic solvent is often used as absorbent, and its absorption is a physical process. When the pressure of rich liquid is reduced, hydrogen sulfide is completely released.
Biological desulfurization method includes aerobic biological desulfurization and anaerobic biological desulfurization; aerobic biological desulfurization method is to inject air into biogas reactor or separate desulfurization tower, and hydrogen sulfide and oxygen generate elemental sulfur or sulfate through microbial interaction. Anaerobic biological desulfurization is a new type of desulfurization process, in which nitrate and nitrite in aerobic post-treatment process of biogas slurry are used as electron acceptors, and hydrogen sulfide in biogas is used as electron donor to realize simultaneous denitrification and hydrogen sulfide removal.
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