Nitrogen rich raw materials: human manure, pig manure, chicken manure, cow manure, horse manure, sheep manure, sugar lees, distiller's grains, etc. these raw materials are rich in nutrition or relatively rich, fast in decomposition, easy to digest, but low in carbon.
Carbon rich raw materials: rice straw, wheat straw, corn straw, sorghum straw, dry sweet potato vine, etc. the decomposition rate of these raw materials is slow, and the utilization rate of raw materials is low under natural temperature and anaerobic conditions.

Easy to decompose raw materials: water hyacinth, water peanut, water lily, Azolla, green manure, green weeds and other fresh materials, as long as chopped, add a little fertilizer, lime, a little compost, decomposition speed is fast, gas production is also fast.
Leftovers: organic waste and sewage discharged from distilleries, slaughterhouses and tofu shops.